The Station

RAF Gibraltar is located on the northern end of the Gibraltar peninsula.

The airfield's position makes it an ideal staging post for aircraft on operations and as a supporting base for major NATO exercises. 

The Government of Gibraltar also operates a civilian air terminal on the north side of the airfield.

Guard the gateway


Wing Commander Thomas Harvey

Wing Commander Thomas Harvey joined the RAF in 2002, qualifying as an Air Traffic Controller and completed multiple tours including being assigned to the UK Joint Force Air Component Headquarters in the role of airspace planner.

His career includes working in the International Security Directorate within the MOD and establishing the Air Command Operations Centre at RAF High Wycombe.

Wing Commander Harvey assumed command of RAF Gibraltar in 2023.


Historically RAF Gibraltar has been a maritime airfield, associated with the Shackleton and Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft. 

Other regular visitors include Falcon and Hawk aircraft, which work with Royal Navy ships in the local Gibraltar exercise areas, and NATO aircraft including C130 and C17.

The airfield has a 6,000 feet runway, running from east to west, with about a third of it projecting outwards into the sea to the west. 

It is unusual in having a four lane public road (the main road into Spain) bisecting the runway. With prohibited Spanish airspace immediately to the north of the airfield and the 1,360 feet high Rock of Gibraltar only a quarter of a mile to the south it poses a unique challenge to pilots. Under certain conditions, linked to wind speed and direction, aircraft are prohibited from landing due to severe turbulence generated around the Rock.