Low flying


If you need to make a complaint about low flying within 5 miles of RAF Odiham, please contact RAF Odiham's Engagement Team:

Email: [email protected]

If the incident occurred more than 5 miles from RAF Odiham, your complaint should be directed to the Ministry of Defence Low Flying Complaints and Enquiries Team:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01780 417558

It is available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Outside these hours an answerphone service is provided. 


Complaints relating to Farnborough Airport operations should be submitted using the following:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01252 526001

Post: The Environment Manager, Farnborough Airport Ltd, Farnborough, GU14 6XA

Night flying

Night flying is an essential part of our aircrew's training syllabus and low-light conditions enable our crews to gain the appropriate currencies and training they require to prepare them for their commitments on operations both in the UK and overseas.

Realistic training at night is essential to ensure aircrew are proficient in the necessary skills and to exploit our technological edge. The amount of night low flying remains proportional to the operational requirement. Careful consideration goes into the timing of night flying; however it is not always possible to avoid some disturbance to those on the ground. 

Viewing area

There is no official viewing area for the safe viewing of aircraft at RAF Odiham.


RAF Odiham Defence Aerodrome Manual - May 2024 (DAM) contains accurate aerodrome data for RAF Odiham. All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure they are familiar with the relevant sections of the DAM prior to operating at RAF Odiham.  For further information regarding the DAM and its contents, please contact Station Operations on 01256 367254.

Annex D to the DAM is the RAF Odiham Aerodrome Operating Hazards Log.  This contains known hazards within the RAF Odiham aerodrome environment.  All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure the are familiar with its contents prior to operating from the Aerodrome. 

Drone Flying

Operators flying drones near any military airfield must ensure they are aware of the UK policy for their safe operation. The Drone Code is published by the Civil Aviation Authority to assist Drone users to fly safely. Advice and guidance can be found on their website.

It is illegal to fly any Done at any time within a Flight Restriction Zone without permission and failure to comply could result in criminal prosecution.

RAF Odiham Duty Ops Controller can be contacted on: 01256 367254

RAF Odiham's Flight Restriction Zone is the area highlighted in blue:

Get updates about flying

RAF Odiham operates 24 hours a day in support of operational requirements in the UK and overseas. Our flying window routinely operates between 9am and 3am daily.

More information and regular updates on our flying activity will be routinely published via our Social Media Channels on Facebook and Twitter.

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