All of our activities have been assessed to ensure they meet the required standards under the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.


A stable careers programme

The RAF offers over 55 different roles with requirements ranging from no formal educational qualifications to degree standard. Students can also receive a University sponsorship with University Air Squadrons.

Learning from career and labour market information

Our team raise awareness on the opportunities offered by the RAF and the jobs available, what to expect from each role, the educational requirements, training provided, and likely career progressions and routes into the RAF. Presentations can be either in person or virtual and further information resources are provided. 

Addressing the needs of each student

Our team deliver bespoke events and guidance to individuals or groups, specific to your needs. Information is also made available online. 

Linking curriculum learning to careers

The team help link the education curriculum to careers within the RAF - including english, mathematics, science, modern languages.

Encounters with Employers and Employees

Our team offer a variety of sessions to engage with students, both in person and virtual.

Experience of the workplace

RAF Wittering offer a 'Look at RAF Life' day for your school or college; a unique opportunity for students to visit the stations and see first-hand a range of RAF roles, how they support operations and the daily activities of aviators.

Encounters with further and higher education

The RAF provide opportunities for career development and education opportunities, including civilian accredited vocational qualifications - all supported by Standard Learning Credits and Enhance Learning Credit Schemes. 

Our team provide information to prospective candidates on Apprenticeship and Higher Education Qualifications whilst in full time employment, sponsorship opportunities the RAF can provide while studying, and the benefits of our University Air Squadrons.

Personal guidance

The team offer RAF careers advice to students in 1-to-1 sessions or with small groups, as well as interview preparation sessions.


Read more about the Gatsby Benchmarks
