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RAF Air Cadets News

Cadets support nine year old future "pilot" on Gibraltar challenge

Jacob Newson who is known as “Jacob the Pilot” on social media because of his love of aviation and ambition to become a RAF Pilot has completed his latest fundraising steps challenge.

He travelled over to Gibraltar from the UK and raced up the rock with air cadets from No. 2 Gibraltar Air Squadron to complete the Mediterranean Steps challenge to raise over one thousand seven hundred pounds for the RAF Benevolent Fund (RAFBF).

The group started their hike at MOD Gibraltar’s headquarters at HM Dockyard. Even though this is one of the smaller peaks Jacob has conquered, the conditions were particularly poor, with low visibility and 100% humidity.

Cadets pose with Jacob the Pilot
Air Cadets with Jacob the Pilot on the Rock of Gibraltar

The Med Steps were built by the British military to allow access to various defensive positions around the southern part of the Rock. The route finishes adjacent to the summit of the Rock of Gibraltar at O’Hara’s Battery.

All personnel taking part from the RAF are stationed at RAF Gibraltar and have volunteered their time for this good cause. Flt Lt Nurse was one of the participants and said, "Walking with Jacob and the Air Cadets on such a steep route was made easier due to their unwavering enthusiasm. When you consider some of the steps were as tall as Jacob, it would have been easy for him to be put off by the route, but he took it all in his stride."

Jacob’s dad Andy said:

“Jacob loved the cadets from Gibraltar squadron joining in today and supporting his fundraiser. The cadets were absolutely brilliant with him and it was also great to see them supporting him when he got scared of the monkeys. They showed nothing but support, encouragement and kindness. They are a real credit to the Air Cadets."


Cadet Caward Madeira said: “Jacob has been great – I  just don't know where he gets all of his energy from and how he did it in his flying suit is beyond me. It's been a fantastic morning - we all enjoyed supporting Jacob with his challenge.”

You can follow Jacob’s future endeavours on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) where his father posts updates on his latest escapades @Dunkirk_1940