Defence Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Helpline Launched

The Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination helpline offers support for all Defence Personnel, available on 0800 014 2381 (UK) or +44 330 008 5942 (Outside UK).


Defence takes BHD very seriously and has a zero tolerance to this behaviour. As an organisation, BHD does not reflect our standards and values and has no place in Defence.

The Defence BHD Helpline is designed to support all Defence Military Personnel, MOD Civil Servants, and Government contractors working in Defence, providing them with a safe, anonymous and confidential space to discuss concerns and worries relating to BHD.

The helpline operates independently from Defence and outside of the chain of command or line management chain and callers may dial in anonymously if they wish.

The service provides in the moment support, guidance, advice and signposting to internal support within Defence for those experiencing BHD or Sexual Harassment including those who are subject to a BHD complaint. The helpline will operate 365 days a year with core hours from 09:00am to 19:00 pm, weekdays and an out of hours counselling and call back service.

The BHS Helpline is available on 0800 014 2381 (UK) or +44 330 008 5942 (Outside UK).