Service Families Accommodation

Service Families Accommodation (SFA) and Single Living Accommodation (SLA) is available to all RAF personnel subject to entitlement regulations.

SFA is administered by Pinnacle, who are contracted by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).

Accommodation charges

A list of all Service Families Accommodation Charges can be found on the Defence Intranet (for internal users only).

Full guidance on Service Families Accommodation on GOV.UK

For the latest and detailed guidance please go to Service Families Accommodation on GOV.UK.

Entitlement to Service Families Accommodation for RAF personnel

Entitlement criteria are listed on GOV.UK: Entitlement for Service Families Accommodation.

The grading system for SFA, known as the Combined Accommodation Assessment System (CAAS) [opens GOV.UK], went live 1 April 2016 and is based on factors such as property location.

Serving personnel can access more info on the Combined Accommodation Assessment System on the DIO Intranet site (internal use only).

If Service Families Accommodation is not available within a reasonable timescale, a family may be allocated Substitute Service Families Accommodation [opens GOV.UK]. This is a privately rented property for which the Service person will pay normal SFA rent.

Applying for Service Families Accommodation

If you eligible, you can apply for Service Families Accommodation.

Please visit the GOV.UK guidance on applying for Serving Families Accomodation to learn:

  • the process for applying and allocation
  • where and how to make an online application or download forms
  • what happens if SFA is not available where you are moving to

Housing maintenance and repairs

For Service Families Accommodation

To report any issues with your Service Families Accommodation or request repairs, please contact Pinnacle. Their national service centre is open from 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, with the repairs phone line available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

  • Free to call from landline or mobile: 0800 031 8628
  • If calling from overseas please use: +44 (0) 161 605 3529

For Substitute Service Families Accommodation

Mears Group Limited is responsible for the maintenance of substitute properties.

Phone: 0800 032 4547, 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).

Email [email protected]

For emergency repairs outside office hours (including weekends and bank holidays) phone the Mears Emergency Contact Centre on 0800 032 4547.

Housing enquiries

For all other Service Families Accommodation enquiries, visit the Pinnacle Website.

Living in civilian accommodation

Many of our single and married personnel choose to buy their own property or rent privately and there is help available for both.

Forces Help to Buy Scheme 

Regular armed forces personnel can benefit from a scheme to help them get on the property ladder.

The scheme enables eligible aviators to borrow up to 50% of their salary, interest free, to buy their first home or (in certain circumstances), move to another property on assignment or as family needs change.

Full details on the Forces Help to Buy Scheme are on GOV.UK.

Tenancy deposit scheme

If a service person wants to rent privately, they may request an advance of pay to meet the cost of a tenancy deposit in the UK.

The tenancy deposit just needs to be registered with the Deposit Protection Service, MyDeposits or the Tenancy Deposit Scheme and the advance of pay can be repaid over 12 months. Please see your Unit HR for details.

Defence Transition Services (DTS)

The Defence Transition Services (DTS) team is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide service personnel and their dependants with civilian housing information for those wishing to move to civilian accommodation at any time in their career, and for those during resettlement to assist with the transition to civilian life.

Civilian housing briefs

DTS delivers an annual programme of civilian housing briefings to help inform and guide Service personnel and their families about the choices available to them and the need to plan ahead. Briefings are open to all Service personnel and their families, at any stage of their Service career.

These briefs are designed to give you the information to help you make informed choices on your civilian housing, the briefings cover the following areas:

  • House purchase (including Forces Help to Buy), private rental
  • Independent financial advice (provided by the Service Insurance and Investment Advisory Panel members), social housing
  • Affordable home ownership schemes.

Find upcoming civilian housing briefs on GOV.UK.

TV Licences 

Personnel living in either Service Families Accommodation or Single Living Accommodation require a TV Licence to download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer.

Full details about TV Licences for the Armed Forces are on the TV Licensing site.

Modernised Accommodation Offer

The Ministry of Defence is looking at how to improve the accommodation offer for service personnel, to make it fairer and more flexible, whilst keeping it affordable.

In October 2017, the MOD decided to pilot a new way of providing living accommodation to personnel and their families. The pilot tested:

  • personnel being supported to rent a home in the private market, alongside existing options of SLA and SFA
  • a widened entitlement beyond those who are married or in civil partnerships

More details are on the Modernised Accommodation Offer on GOV.UK.