Access historical resources and documents on the RAF’s operational history, compiled by AHB over many years. Established in 1918 to document air operations during the First World War, AHB has since produced significant historical studies. The online collection features chronological and thematic narratives primarily focused on the RAF’s role in the Second World War, along with studies from the post-war and post-Cold War periods. It also includes translated Luftwaffe documents, command reviews, and despatches from commanders at home and overseas. All materials are available in searchable, downloadable PDF format.

Regional studies and the Cold War Era

The Regional Studies and the Cold War Era collection includes histories of defence policy and its impact on the RAF from 1956 to 1988, as well as accounts of operations ranging from the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s to the Falklands War in 1982.

Post-Cold War Studies

The Post-Cold War Studies collection features AHB histories of RAF operations in the 1990s, along with studies of the second Gulf War in 2003 and more recent air campaigns over Iraq and Syria.

The Second World War: Campaign Narratives

The Second World War: Campaign Narratives collection includes Second World War campaign narratives prepared by AHB in the immediate post-war years. Compiled from official sources, these histories detail RAF activities across all wartime theatres, from the UK to Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East, along with in-depth studies of the RAF’s role in the maritime war.

Thematic Studies

The Thematic Studies collection focuses on the Second World War and explores key developments in the RAF during the conflict, including operational capability, training, airborne forces, Special Operations, and air reconnaissance.

Translations from Captured German Documents

The Translations from Captured German Documents collection features captured Luftwaffe documents translated by AHB after the Second World War. These records provide valuable insights into the German perspective on wartime air operations, the Luftwaffe's decline, and the Allies' growing air superiority in the later years of the war.

Despatches and Reports

The Despatches and Reports collection includes valuable source material on RAF operations during the Second World War, such as quarterly reviews from Bomber Command, Coastal Command, and Transport Command. It also features reports by RAF officers on air operations in theatres spanning from the UK to the Far East.