RAF Coningsby News

Whole Force personnel from RAF Coningsby Conquer an Epic Challenge 

RAF Coningsby Whole Force Takes On 37th Boston Slog

Runners and cyclists from Royal Air Force Coningsby in Lincolnshire conquered an epic challenge on Thursday 19 September for the Station’s 37th Boston Slog. 

The Boston Slog is an Ironman challenge, an Ironwoman challenge, a fun run, and a cycle race. Ironmen and Ironwomen cycled to the famous Boston Stump, before running back to RAF Coningsby. Cyclists raced from the Station to St. Botolph’s and back, while the fun runners ran from the Stump to the Station, which is just over a half marathon.

Organised by the Station’s Logistics Support Squadron, the Boston Slog is held in memory of Senior Aircraftman Ian McQueen, who sadly died from cancer 38 years ago. This year’s event raised money for the Royal British Legion. 

Sergeant Tom Armstrong was the project officer. He said:

“We had 38 people taking part, service and civilians, and the weather conditions were ideal. Events like this don’t organise themselves, and the committee and volunteers on the day were wonderful. It’s a lot of hard work, but it paid off.” 

He continued:

“We started in March this year. It’s like organising a wedding; you get all the elements together and hope it all comes together on the day. But the committee and volunteers were superb, and the Station Commander was really supportive.” 

Warrant Officer Iain Cox won the Ironman challenge, in a total time of 2 hours, 49 minutes, and 7 seconds; an improvement on his time from last year. It was his sixth Boston Slog, and his squadron fielded ten participants. He said:

“This is about leading by example; I always push for my squadron to support it as best as possible, for the physical endeavour and to support the charity.” 

With everyone completing their chosen activity, the event was a complete success. AS1 Hermione Hemmings won the Ironwoman challenge in 3 hours, 37 minutes and 21 seconds - despite starting the cycling leg with two flat tyres. For the second year running Squadron Leader Gaz Poulson and Sergeant Phillip Bennett came joint first in the cycle race in just over 1 hour and ten minutes. AS1(T) Tommy Ratibb won the fun run in just under 1 hour and 46 minutes.

Group Captain Paul O’Grady, the Station Commander, also took part in the Boston Slog. He said:

“I felt a deep sense of pride in watching the people of RAF Coningsby on Thursday; they were positive and dynamic in every sense. It was a brilliant effort from all involved; the organisers and everyone who participated. Fitness is key to what we do in the Royal Air Force, ensuring we can fly and fight. And in raising money for the Royal British Legion, once again our people here at RAF Coningsby going above and beyond to help others.” 


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