Air Land Integration Cell falls under Combat Readiness Force, Global Enablement.  They train and deliver Joint Terminal Attack Controllers and Tactical Air Controller Parties in support of the RAF in their Joint Operations, as well as provide Air Land Integration specialist practitioners for the RAF.

The Unit is made of RAF Regiment dedicated to providing extremely high readiness Air specialists for Defence, working in the Complex Air Ground Environment and setting up Temporary Landing Zones, Landing Points in support of Rotary Wing assets, and completing specialist courses in Targeting and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.


Air Land Integration Cell is based at RAF Coningsby.


The Air Land Integration Cell primarily supports the RAF; however they are also responsible for RAF Regiment Joint Terminal Attack Controllers posts across Defence operating with the British Army and Royal Marines.

RAF Regiment Tactical Air Controller Parties consist of 5 personnel: a Junior Officer, a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, a Junior Non-Commissioned Officer, and two Lance Corporals (Signallers).  They provide tactical level battlespace management, Close Air Support in support of ground units. and manage Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance assets on behalf of the Ground Force Commander.  All personnel on Air Land Integration Cell are volunteers, who complete a screening process, primarily in relation to battlespace management, Air-to-Ground weapons and communications.