Bristol University Air Squadron


BUAS is established for up to 75 students. This normally enables up to 30 students to be recruited each year, dependent on the number of students remaining beyond the 2 year point.

BUAS flying is conducted at MOD Boscombe Down near Salisbury in Wiltshire.  BUAS Town Headquarters is located at The Artillery Grounds in Bristol.

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Weekly training

Weekly training nights take place every Thursday at BUAS HQ during term time.  A 2-week residential training camp is conducted during June, based at BUAS HQ for one week and elsewhere within the UK for the second.  Flying is currently conducted Monday to Friday from Boscombe Down with specific flying camps elsewhere during the Easter and Summer holidays.


1941  BUAS was formed on 25 February and acted as an Initial Training Wing of an Officer Cadet Training Unit for the remainder of the war.

1946  The Squadron disbanded in July, but was reformed in November 1950 as a unit of Home Command equipped with four Tiger Moth T2s.

1975  The Squadron reequipped with Scottish Aviation Bulldog T1 aircraft.  October 2000 heralded the change onto another new aircraft, the Grob Tutor T1.

1993  The Squadron moved from Filton to Colerne.

Contact details

Email: [email protected]

BUAS, The Artillery Grounds, Whiteladies Road, Bristol, BS8 2LG