Manchester and Salford Universities Air Squadron


MASUAS is established to train up to 60 undergraduate students, managed by 6 permanent staff.  Approximately 30 students are recruited each year from the University of Manchester; University of Salford, Manchester; and Manchester Metropolitan University.  The squadron headquarters and flying facilities are at RAF Woodvale on the Sefton coast, located between Liverpool and Southport.

If you want any further information about MASUAS please see our Facebook or Twitter page.  

Connect with Manchester and Salford Universities Air Squadron


Weekly training

During university term-times, routine squadron training events vary between training evenings, on a Tuesday or Thursday, or residential training weekends at RAF Woodvale.  MASUAS offers up to 3 residential training camps throughout the academic year, with duration ranging between 5 days and two weeks. 

A Winter Camp is usually held in early January at RAF Woodvale.  The Easter Camp tends to focus on adventurous training activities and is often held at a deployed location.  The major, and mandatory, training event is the Summer Camp which normally commences in late June.


1941  Manchester University Air Squadron was formed on 10 February , under command of Wg Cdr E Rhodes.

1951  The Squadron badge was approved by the King, incorporating the serpent from the Manchester University coat of arms.

1953  The Squadron moved its flying operations from Barton to Woodvale.

1975  The unit was renamed Manchester and Salford Universities Air Squadron April to accommodate the new status of Salford University.

1996  10 Air Experience Flight (AEF) became part of the Squadron.

Contact details

MASUAS, RAF Woodvale, Formby, Merseyside, L377AD.

Phone: 01704 872287 Ext.7223

Email: [email protected]