Viewing area

RAF Gibraltar has many vantage points. There is a viewing area at the main airport terminal as well as from the beaches or if more adventurous, up the top of the rock.

Drone Flying

Gibraltar is considered a highly congested area, small uncrewed aircraft (SUA), including those under 250 grams, cannot be flown without the permission of the Director of Civil Aviation. HM Government of Gibraltar advice and guidance to operators.

Visiting Aircraft

Military aircraft are to contact RAF Gibraltar Stn Ops: [email protected]

Civilian aircraft are to contact GibAir: [email protected]

Defence Aerodrome Manual

The Defence Aerodrome Manual (DAM) contains accurate aerodrome data for RAF Gibraltar. 

All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure they are familiar with the relevant sections of the DAM prior to operating at RAF Gibraltar. 

For further information regarding the DAM, please contact [email protected].