Low flying
Complain about low flying
Complaints are dealt with according to where the complaint originates from.
RAF Valley handles enquiries that are raised by residents of Anglesey.
Anglesey queries may be registered by telephone or in writing.
In writing, direct to Station Operations, Attention Flying Complaints, Royal Air Force, Valley, Holyhead, Anglesey, LL65 3NY
By telephone:
Phone: 01407 762241 x7824
If you would like to register a complaint from outside of Anglesey, even if you believe the aircraft is from RAF Valley, find details on GOV.UK.
Drone Flying
Operators flying drones near any military airfield must ensure they are aware of the UK policy for their safe operation. The Drone Code forms part of the Civil Aviation Authority's advice and guidance to drone operators.
Requests to operate a drone within the RAF Valley or RAF Mona Flight Restriction Zones (FRZ) must be made in writing with no less than 7 days notice to: [email protected]
Night flying
Night flying training usually takes place from Monday to Thursday as and when required.
We will pre-notify residents of night flying via our Facebook page. Search 'RAF Valley' on Facebook or follow the link on the 'Updates about Flying' section.
Viewing area
Safely watch aircraft at RAF Valley from the viewing area near the railway bridge, opposite the Station main gate.
Defence Aerodrome Manual (DAM)
The Defence Aerodrome Manual DAM contains accurate aerodrome data for RAF Valley. All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure that they are familiar with the relevant sections of the DAM prior to operating from RAF Valley. For further information please contact Station Operations on 01407 762241 x7404.
Get updates about flying
Advance notice of unusual flying like night flying and flying activity that might disturb you if you live near the Station will be available on the RAF Valley Facebook page and Twitter account.
We may not be able to give notice about some flying, for example military operations, for security reasons.