Low flying
Low flying is an essential skill for aircrew and must be practised in order to fulfil the tasks demanded by current operations.
Complain About Low Flying
Write to Low Flying Complaints and Enquiries unit, RAF Wittering, Peterborough, Cambridge, PE8 6HB.
Or direct your complaint to the Ministry of Defence Low Flying Complaints and Enquires team:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01780 417558
It is available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Outside these hours an answerphone service is provided.
Drone Flying
Operators flying drones near any military airfield must ensure they are aware of the UK policy for their safe operation. The Drone Code forms part of the Civil Aviation Authority's advice and guidance to drone operators.
Night flying
Night flying is a necessary part of operational flying and training.
There is occasional weekend and night flying determined by operational and training requirements.
For announcements and information on night flights, please see our Facebook page.
Viewing area
The viewing area is located off the airfield and there is a car park which is open to the general public for safe aircraft viewing.
Aircraft movements are generally between 8am and 5pm but not restricted to these times.
Defence Aerodrome Manual
The Defence Aerodrome Manual contains accurate aerodrome data for RAF Waddington. All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure they are familiar with the relevant sections of the DAM prior to operating at RAF Waddington.
For further information regarding the DAM and its contents, please contact Air Traffic Control on 01522 727451.
Get updates about flying
For updates about flying times and night flying:
Phone: 01522 727301