Astra News

RAF Halton.

Project PULSE

Image shows aviators in the gym during a fitness test.
Recruits fitness levels are tested during the 10-week Basic Recruit Training course at RAF, prior to graduation.

Arriving at Phase 1 training can be a daunting experience for recruits, and some feel unprepared for the fitness levels required for the physically and mentally demanding course.


Project PULSE trialled a mobile application that is available to recruits prior to them attending RAF Halton for their initial training.  The application delivers a bespoke virtual physical training package to help new aviators prepare for the rigours of the Phase 1 course.

Project PULSE has successfully completed its first trial phase with recruits being provided with an enhanced pre-course training package via an application on their phone or tablet.  Alongside enhancing their physical fitness in preparation for Phase 1 tests, it also helped the recruits to develop a positive attitude towards health and wellbeing prior to arrival at RAF Halton.

The feedback from the recruits who took part in the trial has been positive, with many noting increased fitness levels and feeling better prepared for their course.  Further investigations are now underway to consider the findings of the trial.



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